Archive for septiembre 2009

Traigo aquí una buena web para estudiar el primer tema de 1º de ESO: La Tierra en el Universo.

Es una web sobre astronomía pensada para chic@s con cantidad de material interesante. Puedo drecomendaros dar un viaje por el Sistema Solar y acabar comprobando lo que se ha aprendido con una pequeña prueba en la web.

Ojo, para pasar a la sección de juegos antes debes ganarte la contraseña.

Si este viaje interplanetario no fue lo suficientemente real para vosotr@s probad con esta otra web donde las imágenes del Sistema Solar son más impactantes.

Webs encontradas gracias a este blog

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If you are starting with the study of the human body as an organism, do not miss this web-site. Even if it has got a lot of ads there are good interactive images  to understand the whole body with all its different systems.

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Trying to learn what is this of a classroom blog and clearing some ideas before sharing the project with the students, I have found this blog with several good instructions like:

Tom and Mariela suggest some specific ways to achieve more successful and productive classroom blogging. These include:

  • Encouraging students to generate their own guidelines for blogs.
  • Asking students to create «blog rolls» that engage the same discourse communities that they wish to address.
  • Integrating students’ blog posts in day-to-day classroom discussions.
  • Pursue cross-classroom networks of readers.

Although these are only a few examples of how to implement blogs in the writing class, Tom and Mariela point out two important things for instructors to consider: (1) students should be able to recognize a rhetorical purpose of their blog by (2) understanding a clear context for their writing. When both of these elements are well planned, the classroom blog promises to deliver many exciting possibilities for composition classes.

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Looking for information about what an educational blog is I have found this science teacher blog, quite interesting, don´t you think?

But now let´s focus on this video in which a creationist gets absolutely ridiculed. You will have some fun with this ironic blond girl.

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Once you have found a web – page like this, your geology teacher is not needed any more, at least during this UNIT 1: Dynamic Earth.

Dynamic Earth consists of four sections and an assessment. Each section explores one aspect of the earth’s structure and the movement of its tectonic plates. Simply follow the instructions on the screen to learn about the layers that make up the earth; how the continents arrived at their current locations; the constant movement of the tectonic plates; and the volcanoes, earthquakes, and other events that result from the movements of the plates.

There is also a Glossary and an assesment at the end of the unit.

In case you need anything else, here there is a good compilation of links related to the same topic. I would reccomend you this kind of concentration games.

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In case you get some problems trying to pronounce correctly those nasty words like asthenosphere or mitochondrion, then this is the web you were looking for.

(Don´t forget to click on this icon)

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A veces te escuchas repitiendo la misma coletilla en inglés clase tras clase, otras veces te falta un vocabulario  más coloquial. Pensando en esto y como una buena ayuda para los profesores de enseñanza bilingüe en inglés os dejo este útil enlace con algunas propuestas para el inglés de aula.

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An Indian legend says that our planet is held up by four elephants that stand on the back of a turtle. The turtle is balanced on top of a cobra. When any of these animals move, the Earth trembles and shakes: an Earthquake happens.

Image from the book Pioneers of Science by Oliver Lodge

Some other people tend to explain this speaking about lithosphere, asthenosphere, tectonic plates and so on.  Here you have some stuff about that.

More legends about earthquakes here.

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Se reproduce aquí el mensaje remitido por el colectivo Zombra:


Manifiesto ciclista contra el asesinato de ciudadanos árboles.

 En el último tiempo venimos despertando con la repentina desaparición de una parte fundamental de la vida de esta Zaragoza. Sucedió en Paseo Las Damas, también en Carretera Madrid, y luego Avenida Goya o Isabel La Católica. Sin tiempo para despedirnos de las lavanderas que allí anidaban, los árboles fueron talados con burdas y falsas excusas de sostenibilidad y ecología. O sea, con las mismas excusas que se usaron en el 2008 para perpetrar el destrozo del lecho del padre Ebro o la Huerta de Ranillas, venís ahora asesinando a los ciudadanos árboles.


Un “anillo verde” no puede sostener nunca la muerte ni de un solo pino centenario,

un tranvía jamás se llamará ecológico si no se proyecta en paralelo a una vía ciclable.


Como ya dijimos en otra ocasión,
ahora repetimos:
No en mi nombre, no con mi silencio.

Justicia en las calles.
Mi bici NO tala.


Colectivo Zombra

Septiembre 2009 – Zaragoza –


Más información:


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Hands are fundamental in the human locomotive system. Grasping objects, climbing trees, developing tools, hitchhiking,… there is a clear relationship between free hands (due to bipedal locomotion) and brain evolution.

Once  I have said that, just for fun have a look at this video.

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