Posts Tagged ‘density’

Last september I started teaching the level 2º ESO in the bilingual programme for my first time. Sincerously, me (as the kids) I also prefer animals and plants to physics, but we must start the school year speaking about density, matter, energy, and stuff like that. Anyway, it happened to me that as introducing the topic of «Mass Vs Weight« all my students turned excited and started to mumble a strange song. Thanks to their last year´s great teacher (my colleague Julia Ara) they had very well learned the differences between mass and weight with a song from youtube while having fun.

With this post I want to thank Mr Edmonds´ work and share with you these  great science song parodies available on his  youtube channel:  .

Don´t miss it.

And now, Mr Edmonds´Hit Parade: Mass versus Weight


Mass versus weight — two measures for an object.
They’re not the same, let’s all see why!
To determine the mass, we use a balance to do it.
We use a scale to measure weight.

Mass, measured in grams, or in kilograms,
It’s all about how much stuff – the object has!

Grams or kilograms (ba! ba! ba!)
They’re the units we use for mass. (for mass, for mass, for mass).
Newtons are for weight (ba! ba! ba!)
Weight’s the measure of gravity’s pull on the ob-ject.

So you can see, mass and weight aren’t the same thing.
Weight is the measure of gravity’s pull!
In contrast to weight, mass tells us how much matter,
How much matter the object has.

Mass, measured in grams, or in kilograms,
It’s all about how much stuff – the object has!

Grams or kilograms (ba! ba! ba!)
They’re the units we use for mass. (for mass, for mass, for mass).
Newtons are for weight (ba! ba! ba!)
Weight’s the measure of gravity’s pull on the ob-ject.

Mass and weight, mass and weight, they’re not the same.
Mass and weight, mass and weight, they’re not the same.
Mass and weight, they’re not the, not the same.

Grams or kilograms (ba! ba! ba!)
They’re the units we use for mass. (for mass, for mass, for mass).
Newtons are for weight (ba! ba! ba!)
Weight’s the measure of gravity’s pull on the ob-ject.

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